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From our technical experts

2Ltr Blue Horizons Algimax Eliminator


  • Long-life, concentrated
  • Copper based
  • Prevents algae growth for up to 3 months
  • Also popular as a Winteriser

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2 Ltr Blue Horizons Algimax Eliminator


  • A long-life copper based algaecide
  • Prevents algae growth for up to 3 months
  • Concentrated for economical use
  • Also popular as a Winteriser

Algae are microscopic plant life that can multiply rapidly in your swimming pool water in the right conditions. Recovering an algae infested pool can be time consuming and expensive which is why prevention is always preferable to cure. Our range of algaecides have been specially formulated to help you achieve sparkling clear and algae free water. We offer a choice of weekly dosed and long life algaecides depending on your particular needs. In addition to using a recommended algaecide to support the sanitiser, we would recommend you also take account of the following algae prevention tips.

  • Maintain the correct water balance
  • Oxidise your swimming pool water regularly
  • Maintain a consistent sanitiser (chlorine or bromine) level
  • Brush pool walls and vacuum pool floor regularly
  • Ensure filtration and circulation are operating efficiently

Application Instructions
1. Maintain pH level within the ideal range of 7.2 – 7.6. If not in this range, adjust.
2. Check the chlorine level and ensure it is established within the ideal range 1 – 3mg/l (ppm);
3. Gradually pour the solution into the pool, whilst the pump(s) are turned ‘on’ preferably near the water inlets to aid distribution.
4. After the initial dose this product should last for up to three months before further top ups are required.
5. Where used as a Winterising algaecide carry out normal end of season closure procedures (e.g. removing debris and leaves).and ensure good distribution by circulating water whilst the pump(s) are turned ‘on’  for at least 2 hours.

Free delivery to UK mainland.

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